09/03/2025 14:51

What Is a Mortgage?

Mortgage is a type of home loan that allows you to pay off the purchase price of your home in a series of monthly payments. The loan is secured by the property itself, which serves as collateral for the debt. Generally, the more you can put down up front, the lower your total cost.

There are different types of mortgages, each with its own requirements, costs and benefits. For instance, the type of mortgage you get depends on whether you want a fixed or adjustable rate. The term of your mortgage, which is how long you have to pay it back, also determines its cost. In general, the longer the term, the higher the interest rate will be.

Before you apply for a mortgage, it’s a good idea to check your credit and make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date. That way, you can avoid any surprises when the lender checks your credit as part of the loan processing. The lender will also use this opportunity to verify that the information on your application is correct, such as your income, loan-to-value ratio and credit score.

Once you’ve applied for a mortgage, the process can take between 30 and 45 days. During that time, your lender will review all of the information you provided with a fine-tooth comb. The underwriter will also look at your financial situation to ensure that you’re able to afford the payments on your mortgage. This includes evaluating your employment status, reviewing pay stubs and bank statements, checking to see if any assets have been liquidated and making sure that you don’t have liens on the house from other creditors or from past home sales.

In some cases, your mortgage underwriter may ask you to write a letter of explanation. This is similar to a cover letter for a job application and provides an opportunity for you to explain any unusual or unexplained circumstances in your financial history that might affect your ability to repay the mortgage. It’s important to do this because lenders are more willing to consider your application if there are no red flags or inconsistencies on your credit report.

The core components of a mortgage payment are principal, interest, taxes and insurance. These are collectively referred to as PITI. The principal is the specific amount that you borrow from your lender. The interest is the cost of borrowing money from your lender and is calculated as a percentage of the principal. Taxes and homeowners insurance are typically included in your PITI, as well. In some cases, you’ll be required to pay private mortgage insurance, or PMI, if you have a down payment of less than 20%.

The last component of your PITI is the lender’s servicing fee, which includes the cost of collecting and recording your PITI payments as well as managing the loan’s assets. Lenders often outsource the servicing of their mortgages to third-party servicers. The servicer that you work with will be based on the type of mortgage you have, which is determined by the rules and regulations set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – two government-sponsored enterprises that buy mortgage loans from lenders in order to keep them liquid so they can continue lending money to people looking to buy homes.